Into Cheshire

Into Cheshire

Originally uploaded by Andrew Birkett

Well, it rained pretty hard until i reached Market Drayton after 33 miles. In some ways, stopping to shelter was a bad plan because you stop generating heat and it’s unpleasant to start again. One small benefit of foul weather is it stops you thinking about tired legs! Definitely gives you motivation to grind away and keep the speed and heat up. I needed google maps to get through Market Drayton since i entered through a massive housing estate that my road map didn’t show. The sun made a brief appearance, enough to dry out a bit on the way to Nantwich, where i’m having a pub lunch. Some bumpy farm trails today, but also some more manicured countryside too. All the raindriven pedalling means i’ve done about 45 miles this morning, even with a late start due to late sunday breakfasts. So only 15 to do after lunch up to Wimboldsley. Gps says 417 miles done in total so far.

2 thoughts to “Into Cheshire”

  1. All the picture look nice and sunny, so not constant rain then! BTW: Great blog, I’m hooked.

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